Bluesky Immigration

Points Calculator

The points calculator is a service only for your first orientation. It does not constitute an application and does not replace the evaluation by the Austrian authorities. Bluesky Immigration & Student Consultancy Service also provides our audience and customers with a free points calculator which can be accessed through our website. It is a simple and accurate calculator which can be trusted. Apart from striving and searching through individual firms and ither websites, our creative team innovated the online points calculator for our customers to gain knowledge on Australian migration points. This procedure is simple and easy to use which can be managed by anyone.


Which of the following subclasses are you applying for?

Score: 0
Total Score: 0

How old are you?

Score: 0
Total Score: 0

English Language Ability

Score: 0
Total Score: 0

Have you studied in Australia for at least 2 years (92 weeks) which resulted in a degree, diploma, advanced diploma or trade qualification(s) relevant to your nominated occupation?

Score: 0
Total Score: 0

What is your highest Qualification?

Score: 0
Total Score: 0

Overseas, in the last 10 years, how long have you worked in your nominated occupation or closely related occupation?

Score: 0
Total Score: 0

Australian skilled employment, in the last 10 years, in your nominated occupation or closely related skilled occupation:

Score: 0
Total Score: 0

Partner Skill Qualifications. Check only ONE box that applies to you

Score: 0
Total Score: 0

Designated Language Do any of the following apply to you?

Score: 0
Total Score: 0